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Human Study Centre at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

The COPLANT Study Centre Berlin is located at the Human Study Centre of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in the Charlottenburg district (Jungfernheide site). Its work centres on the protection of human health. Through independent scientific assessment, research and the transparent communication of health risks, the BfR contributes impartially to the safety of food, feed, products and chemicals.

Relevant data for risk assessment are determined in the studies of the Human Study Centre at the BfR. This improves risk assessment and thus consumer protection. A further aim is to strengthen epidemiological expertise at the BfR and to further develop existing assessment concepts taking into account human data. In particular, epidemiological studies such as the COPLANT study are planned, conducted and evaluated.

An interdisciplinary team of scientific and technical staff works at the BfR's Human Study Centre, covering a wide range of disciplines such as medicine, nutritional sciences, epidemiology, toxicology, biostatistics and IT specialists.

Studies at the Berlin Study Centre

In addition to the standard examination programme of the COPLANT study, the following additional examinations are carried out at the Berlin study centre: Ultrasound of the thyroid, the carotid arteries (large main arteries of the neck) and the gallbladder. This involves measuring the size of the thyroid gland, the average thickness of the intima media (innermost layer) of the carotid artery and the presence of stones in the gallbladder. In a further examination, a skin swab is taken to analyse the composition of the skin microbiome (skin bacteria). Interested participants can also support a test on cross-allergy between insects and house dust by providing a small amount of additional blood. 

Directions/Site plan

The Berlin Study Centre is located on the 2nd floor of the BfR Jungfernheide site.

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
10589 Berlin

Directions to the BfR Jungfernheide site [LINK English site map]

Information on study participation:

Who can take part?

People who are between 18 and 69 years old at the time of recruitment and have been pursuing one of the following diets for at least one year:

  • vegan: no animal products
  • vegetarian: dairy produce and eggs, but no meat or fish
  • pescetarian: dairy produce, eggs and fish, but no meat
  • omnivorous: both plant and animal products (mixed diet)

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also welcome to take part in the study. Further information can be found in our FAQ on the COPLANT study.

Contact us

Berlin Study Centre
at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
Jungfernheide site

Max-Dohrn-Str. 8-10
10589 Berlin

Phone: 030/184 12 - 55011


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