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Study programme
Participants come to one of our eight study centres on two dates within a month:
1st appointment (duration: approx. 2-3 hours): We explain the study procedure and answer questions about COPLANT. This is followed by various interviews and examinations.
2nd appointment (duration approx. 3-4 hours): We carry out various interviews and examinations. Biosamples are collected and blood is taken.
Surveys on, among other things:
- Specific aspects of the diet
- Health, including general well-being and the presence of illnesses
- Sustainability in terms of nutritional behaviour and lifestyle
Investigations among others:
- Determination of body composition
- Measurement of height, body weight and waist circumference
- Determination of bone density and bone health
The following biosamples are taken from all participants:
- Fasting blood sample
- Urine sample collected over 24 hours
- Stool sample
The individual study centres may also have other smaller projects. These include, for example:
- Research in the field of cross-allergies "Bee venom to shellfish"
- Analyses of the skin microbiome (skin swab)
- Submission of a saliva sample
- Ultrasound examinations
Nutrition survey via app:
At home, the participants record their nutrition on a total of four days over a period of two to four weeks using an app on their smartphone that has been specially adapted for the study.