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Consent is given after a detailed information session in which the most important aspects are discussed. In addition, all interested parties receive the study information and the declaration of consent by e-mail before the first appointment, so that there is sufficient time to clarify any questions in advance. The consent form is made up of various modules with associated sub-topics, all of which can be agreed to individually. One part of the consent relates to the study content with the planned examinations and interviews. In addition to the basic consent to participate in the study, for example, a separate consent is explicitly requested for participation in an ultrasound examination carried out at the BfR or the willingness to participate in a third appointment. On the other hand, consent for the collection, processing and storage of biosamples is requested separately. Another point of the declaration of consent concerns data storage and processing as well as consent to the possibility of contacting you again. The latter is important so that we can contact you again in subsequent years for possible follow-up. Consent is also requested for contacting doctors, hospitals and registries. Here you consent to us obtaining information about your illnesses and newly occurring illnesses. You must also confirm that we have informed you about data protection.

Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right to refuse to participate in the study without giving reasons, to withdraw from the agreement to participate and to discontinue the study at any time without this forming any disadvantages for you.

If sufficient financial resources are available, the COPLANT study is planned to run for at least 20 years. All participants should be contacted again in writing at regular intervals for follow-up (every two to five years) or invited to the study centre for a new examination (every three to ten years). In the informed consent form, we ask for your consent to be contacted again for the follow-up.


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